Our Blueprint for a Digital Highway for Continous Software Delivery
Establishing Continuous Software Delivery does not have to be difficult! Learn how to leverage our “Blueprint for a Digital Highway” as market best-practice vision for software development and operations. Understand which key capabilities are critical to...
Effective SRE & DevOps Conference in Zurich on April 20, 2023
Effective SRE & DevOps Conference in Zurich on April 20, 2023 Thank you for your interest in joining the first Effective SRE and DevOps Conference. The program will feature talks on technology trends, interactive workshops, time for networking and community...
Effective SRE: Continuous Verification by applying AI to Continuous Delivery and Quality Gate automation
Faster delivery of software will fail without a highly engineered Continuous Delivery Pipeline. It not only ensures various application quality attributes, but also allows testing of the release workflows and practicing the delivery of software. Effective SRE...
PEDCO and Digital Architects Zurich jointly ensure success of Agile & DevOps Transformations
PEDCO and Digital Architects Zurich jointly offer to ensure success of Digital and Agile Transformations with the use of their “Agile & DevOps Fitness Check” approach. This new best practice assessment helps customers identify current situation, weaknesses and opportunities for their transformation journey.